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While all care and diligence is taken by Dr Safvat to minimise or avoid complications, any surgical procedure can be associated with some general complications and/or specific complications related to the surgery you are having. Choosing a Specialist Plastic Surgeon such as Dr Safvat and having your procedure done in an accredited hospital minimises risks, as does using an accredited Anaesthetist.
Some general surgical potential complications are:
•  Infection that may require antibiotics (Dr Safvat prescribes all patients antibiotics after surgery to minimise this risk).
•  Fluid build-up under the skin (seroma).
•  Allergic reaction to dressings and other items used during the procedure.
•  The formation of blood collection (haematoma) which could require additional surgery.
•  Scars heal differently in different people. Some people are genetically prone to develop keloid scars. Hypertrophic scars develop when there is a complication in the healing process. Whilst not ideal, there is no threat to your health if you develop these.
Some potential complications related to Breast Reduction surgery specifically are:
•  Asymmetry
•  Loss of sensation in nipple and areola – this is usually temporary however in some rare cases it may be permanent.
•  Loss of nipple and areola tissue – in rare cases the nipple and areola can lose its blood supply and die.
•  Breast reduction may affect a women’s ability to breastfeed in the future.