Abdominoplasty works best in men who have lost weight and are close to their ideal body weight, but still have a large fat deposit or loose abdominal skin that will not respond to diet or exercise. An abdominoplasty is not a substitute for weight loss.
Male Abdominoplasty (Male Tummy Tuck)
Procedure Spotlight
- Improves the shape and tone of the abdominal region
- Removes excess skin and fat from the area
- Reconstructs separated muscles and restores function to the abdomen
- Effective in reducing the bulge caused by excess skin, fat and loose abdominal muscles
Abdominoplasty is suitable for both men and women. Dr Safvat often combines a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) with liposuction of the flanks to achieve the best results.
The male tummy tuck procedure is completed under a general anaesthetic in an accredited hospital. Dr Safvat only works with highly trained anaesthetists accredited with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. The procedure takes around four to five hours and the patient is required to stay in hospital for three to seven days. Drainage tubes are usually placed under the skin to help prevent any fluid build-up.
The procedure ranges from a mini to a full tummy tuck surgery depending on individual requirements.
A full tummy tuck operation is designed to reshape the entire span of the abdomen. It works for people with significant amount of loose skin, subcutaneous fat, and stretch marks. It also tightens the abdominal musculature (that often stretches with weight gain) to flatten the contour, reduce any bulges, and give an hourglass appearance to the waist. Tightening the abdominal wall muscle also improves their function.
The belly button is also reshaped and placed in a more cosmetically desirable location. The scar in a full abdominoplasty is usually from hip to hip in the lower abdomen.
A mini tummy tuck is a smaller procedure and suits people with less fat and excess skin in the lower abdomen only. The incision for a mini tummy tuck is smaller and is located just above the pubic area. A mini tummy tuck has less down time and also requires less time staying in a hospital – usually only one night. In some cases, it can be done as a day only procedure. The belly button is also not repositioned.

Dr Safvat often combines tummy tuck operations with liposuction of the flanks to yield optimal results.
Procedure Snapshot
Immediately after a tummy tuck and for six weeks afterwards, patients need to wear a surgical garment (abdominal binder). While patients may not be able to stand fully upright just after their surgery, they are actively encouraged to walk for short periods and to do deep breathing exercises post-operatively to prevent complications. Exertion and heavy lifting are not allowed for four to six weeks.
Dr Safvat advises his patients to take about three to four weeks off work (depending on the type of work you do) to rest at home and optimise the healing process. It’s also highly recommended that you have someone to assist you for the first couple of weeks after you are discharged from the hospital. You will need as much rest as possible and your range of movement will be limited for a time. This means that seemingly easy day to day tasks can become slightly more challenging. It might also take a week or two to be able to fully straighten.
In terms of the final results of your surgery, most patients will need to wait up to a few months before seeing the final outcome. This is different for everyone though. The best thing you can do is to follow Dr Safvat’s specific aftercare instructions to ensure a positive outcome.
Smoking and being overweight have been shown to cause more complications after your tummy tuck procedure. Dr Safvat will insist that patients stop smoking at least 3-4 weeks before their surgery and lose as much weight as they’re able to, within healthy limits, before their operation. In addition, if you are planning on future pregnancies, it is advisable to delay your tummy tuck until your family is complete. It is important to be fit and healthy to help the recovery process. Certain supplements and medications will also need to be avoided prior to surgery to decrease the risk of bleeding.
The truth is that scarring is an inevitable side effect of every type of surgery, including a tummy tuck. Everyone scars differently. However, the techniques Dr Safvat uses to suture his wounds are designed to minimise scarring. Strategic placement of the incisions make it possible to hide any scarring underneath clothing. We will also show you how to care for your wound in order to reduce the appearance of scarring. What’s more, scars do mature and fade over time, especially if they are cared for correctly.
Dr Safvat will provide you with his specific protocol for scar management that will help you protect and care for your incisions in a way that will minimise scarring. Patients who have followed Dr Safvat’s protocol for scar management diligently have been very pleased with their progress in reducing and fading of scars.

Dr Safvat will also include LED Light Therapy sessions (available in Miranda only) which will assist with wound healing, scarring and recovery.
Frequently asked questions
While all care and diligence is taken by Dr Safvat to minimise or avoid complications, any surgical procedure can be associated with some general complications and/or specific complications related to the surgery you are having. Choosing a Specialist Plastic Surgeon such as Dr Safvat and having your procedure done in an accredited hospital minimises risks as does using an accredited Anaesthetist.
Some general surgical potential complications are:
•  Infection that may require antibiotics (Dr Safvat prescribes all patients antibiotics after surgery to minimise this risk).
•  Fluid build-up under the skin (seroma).
•  Allergic reaction to dressings and other items used during the procedure.
•  The formation of blood collection (haematoma) which could require additional surgery.
•  Scars heal differently in different people. Some people are genetically prone to develop keloid scars. Hypertrophic scars develop when there is a complication in the healing process. Whilst not ideal, there is no threat to your health if you develop these.
•  Anyone can have a heart attack or stroke from a clot. This risk is slightly increased with general anaesthetics.
Some potential complications related to Abdominoplasty surgery specifically are:
•  Visible and prominent scarring.
•  Numbness around the incision site that in most cases, improves with time.
•  Areas of skin that may not heal and could require further surgery.
•  A blood clot (deep vein thrombosis) in the leg or chest that could require further treatment. Although Dr Safvat will take all preventative measures to minimise this risk (including calf compressors, TED stockings and blood thinning injection).
Abdominoplasty surgery has a Medicare item number in some cases meaning some rebates may be available from Medicare and your private health insurance. To be eligible patients need to be meet certain criteria either for Massive Weight Loss or Rectus Diastasis (abdominal muscle separation). Dr Safvat will discuss your eligibility during consultation. If the procedure is cosmetic or you are self-funded, you can still have the procedure done, however there will be additional costs involved.
Detailed information regarding costs will be provided to you after your initial consultation.
Before and Afters

You must be over 18 years to view Dr Safvat’s before and after image galleries
Dr Safvat is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon. Every patient is unique and results may vary. Any surgical procedure carries risks which need to be discussed with your doctor to ensure you are fully informed and realistic outcomes have been explained. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
These photos are of actual patients of Dr Safvat. Each has given consent for the photos to be used by Dr Safvat only.
Registered Medical Practitioner, Specialist Plastic Surgeon (specialist registration in Surgery – Plastic surgery).
Dr André Safvat - Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Renowned for his dedication to his patients, his attention to detail and impeccable outcomes, Dr Safvat's unparalleled expertise is reflected in the quality, professionalism and dedication of every member of our team.Â