What is Direct Excision Neck Lift?

Direct excision neck lift is a specialised procedure for removing excess skin and fat from the neck to create a more defined and youthful contour. Dr Safvat uses advanced techniques and a meticulous approach when performing this type of neck lift. Dr Safvat is one of a handful of surgeons in Australia that offers this procedure, making him a leading choice for patients seeking the results Direct Excision Neck Lift offers. He offers this procedure in Miranda, Bowral and Concord locations.


What is a Direct Excision Neck Lift?

A direct excision neck lift improves the appearance of the neck by tightening the neck muscles and removing the excess fat and skin. It is particularly effective in getting rid of the so-called double chin or turkey neck that many people are concerned about.


What is the difference between a Direct Excision Neck Lift and a Standard Neck Lift?

A standard neck lift is quite an elaborate surgery and has incisions around the ears which are camouflaged due to their position. In contrast, the direct excision neck lift removes skin by cutting it out directly from the middle section of the neck. It is also a more straightforward procedure than a standard neck lift and has less potential complications. The recovery period is shorter in a direct excision neck lift, as is the theatre time and length of stay in hospital. It does, however, leave a visible scar in the centre of the neck. This scar fades over time and, surprisingly, is fairly unnoticeable. Also, a scar in that position is not commonly associated with cosmetic surgery, so it is not picked up on like other more known cosmetic surgery procedure scars.


Who is a good candidate for a Direct Excision Neck Lift?

The direct excision neck lift works best on older patients with more wrinkles as it is easier to hide the midline scar. It is not ideal for younger patients with smooth skin. It can be performed on both men and women. For patients desiring a ‘direct neck lift near me’ option, Dr Safvat is conveniently offering them in Sydney.


What are the benefits of a Direct Neck Excision Lift?

  • Better definition of the neck
  • Reduction or elimination of the double chin
  • Reduction of neck fullness
  • Reduction of the large fold of excess skin that commonly occurs in the middle of the neck
  • Faster recovery than a standard neck lift
  • Less theatre time therefore, it costs less than a standard neck lift


How long will it take to recover after surgery?

The direct excision neck lift is usually a day-only procedure in hospital. Patients will have some mild pain and possibly some swelling and bruising after the surgery. Patients will need to avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks. If scar management advice is followed, the scar will fade over time and usually by the 12-month mark it will not be that obvious. For those considering this procedure, direct neck lift before and after comparisons can demonstrate the effectiveness of the surgery.


Are there any rebates available and is a referral needed?

Any type of neck lift is classified as a completely cosmetic procedure and, as such, is not covered by Medicare or Health Funds.

AHPRA requires that all patients considering cosmetic surgery have a referral from their GP in order to have a consultation regarding their cosmetic surgery. However, no rebates are available from Medicare on the consultation fee.

View Direct Excision Neck Lift Gallery here.


Patients should discuss with their GP and Plastic Surgeon as to whether surgery is a good option for them. All surgery comes with risks which will be discussed during consultation. Your final results can take up to 12 months or more to be seen. Before proceeding, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Registered Medical Practitioner, Specialist Plastic Surgeon (specialist registration in Surgery – Plastic Surgery).